Tooth Extractions

Tooth extractions are dental procedures used to remove problematic teeth from the mouth in order to preserve or restore your oral health. They are performed as a last resort when other restoration options have been exhausted or cannot adequately treat the problem. There are two different types of tooth extractions that can be performed, including: 

Simple Extractions

A simple extraction technique uses dental forceps to rock the tooth back and forth, while an elevator tool is used to lift the tooth from the socket. 

Surgical Extractions

A surgical extraction is when the affected tooth is broken into pieces before being removed one piece at a time. 

Did You Know?

One common reason for a tooth extraction is impacted wisdom teeth. An impacted tooth is one that is unable to erupt and is fully or partially stuck underneath the gums. Since impacted teeth can cause a variety of complications, they are normally extracted. 

Frequently Asked Questions: 

fractured tooth and tooth root

Do I need a tooth extraction?

You may need a tooth extraction if you have: 

  • A severely damaged or decayed tooth
  • Severe gum disease that has caused bone loss and loose teeth
  • An impacted wisdom tooth
  • Too many teeth for the size of your mouth

To determine if you need a tooth extraction, schedule a consultation with Park City Dental today. 

What can I expect when having a tooth extraction at Park City Dental?

When having a tooth extraction at Park City Dental, you can expect to be sedated and have your mouth numbed so you will not feel anything during the procedure. Your tooth will then be extracted using either a simple or surgical extraction technique. Simple extractions are generally performed in cases where the entire tooth is intact and can be removed in one piece. Surgical extractions are performed when the tooth cannot be removed in one piece or when the tooth is impacted below the gum line. 

What can I expect after having a tooth extraction?

After having a tooth extracted, you will remain in our office until the sedation wears off. As you come out of sedation, your mouth will likely feel large since it will be numb and the extraction site(s) will be stuffed with cotton or gauze to stop any bleeding. Before leaving our office, Our doctor will provide you with postoperative instructions to follow. These instructions will consist of things like how to manage pain and swelling, what to eat after an extraction, how to keep the treatment area clean, and behaviors to avoid until your extraction sites heal. 

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